John Henry Cardinal Newman is a saint for our time, when the world seems to have abandoned the Way, lost sight of the Truth, and rejected the Life offered through Christ’s death on the cross.
Incarnation and human scale →
The only thing more wonderful than God’s creation of the world is the reality that he sent his only begotten Son to walk the earth as one of us.
No guarantees: Why parents must pray like St. Monica →
We can learn from the example of St. Monica and pray — not just that a child may come back to the Faith, but that he or she may never lose her love for the gift she has been given.
Imagine this: the consequences when we fail to feed our faith →
When we see with the eyes of faith, we don’t blindly accept something simply because the Church tells us it’s true; we know that it is true because the gift of faith allows us to experience the depths of reality that go beyond what we can see without that gift.
The best lack all conviction →
I keep returning to the works of Walker Percy because no other writer has understood so well the widespread loss of Christian belief in the modern world, and what is necessary to regain it.